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Abstract submittal deadline - 30th April 2014
Click here for further details and to submit your abstract >>

The World BORDERPOL Congress Advisory Committee is inviting abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the programme of the 3rd World BORDERPOL Congress.

A high level conference delivering discussions and debate on policies, implementation and technology that contributes towards successful border management and security.

Although the programme will consider all aspects for discussion, and you are encouraged to submit your abstract for review, particular topics for discussion and focus to be considered will be:

Outline topic areas:
- Is it possible to set a target date to the end the reign of paper passports?
- Demographics and sovereignty: What has the crisis in Ukraine taught the world? Is the “supra state i.e. the EU failing? What is the alternative?
- How can small country border administrations ensure their effectiveness against growing criminality and terrorist threats? What can organizations such as BORDERPOL do for them?
- Global debates on border issues: how can the South American states be brought into the discussion?
- Has the war on drugs been lost been lost while the war on terrorism been won?
- Can social media be harnessed to improve border security and migration management worldwide/
- The line between civil and military activities on the world border being blurred? Is this a leading to better security or more potential for crisis?
- Border security is being undermined by the exponential growth in the proliferation of fraudulent passports. How can “asylum bias” be removed from current asylum policies and procedures which reward criminals who profit from the trade in stolen, altered and counterfeit travel documents.
- Is technology actually making border procedures more efficient or just making the process more expensive for everyone?
- Since very few actual terrorists have been interdicted by national border control organizations at the borders where to go forward with border security/traveller screening?

If you believe you can contribute to these discussions and wish to be part of the 3rd World BORDERPOL Congress, then submit an abstract for consideration by the advisory committee

Further details of topics can be found at www.world-borderpol-congress.com/call-for-papers, or click here...

The annual World BORDERPOL Congress is a high level 2 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management.

We look forward to welcoming you to Budapest, Hungary on 9th-11th December 2014.

For further details click here...

Call for Papers

Abstract submittal deadline – 30th April 2014

Are you interested at speaking at the World BORDERPOL Congress?

The World BORDERPOL Congress Advisory Committee are inviting abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the conference. If you are interested, you are invited to submit your abstract for consideration by the conference committee by submitting an abstract of approx 200 words.

For full details click here...

Your presentation should not be overtly commercial in nature.

Please email the conference manager with the following details:
• Presentation Title     • 200 word Abstract     • Your contact details

Neil Walker, Events Director
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Who is the World BORDERPOL Congress for?

Immigration and border management and security policy makers and practitioners.

Senior representatives from national border services, police, customs, and immigration services, as well as organisations, services and suppliers to the border management and security industry, including:

• Customs, immigration and border control officials
• Coast guard officers
• Police and law enforcement officers
• Boundary commissioners
• Diplomats and foreign affairs officials
• Borderland planners and managers
• Defence and security departments
• Embassy and consular officials
• Policy analysts
• Security system providers

For further details visit www.world-borderpol-congress.com

“The World BORDERPOL Congress is unique in its content in delivering discussions, knowledge enhancement and greater collaboration across the international border management and security industry.”
Thomas Tass, Executive Director, BORDERPOL

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For further details on the World BORDERPOL Congress click here or visit www.borderpol-event.org...