SDS2019 will explore how to achieve the development and transformation of the security industry driven by innovation technology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, how E-ID, Mobile ID, the internet, dig data, block chain etc. is influencing the security industry, as well as looking at developments in traditional Security Documents. If you have innovative technologies, product or concept, advanced application case or research result on banknote, ID documents, bank document, tax stamp, tickets and labels etc. we would like to hear from you. Please send your 300-word speech abstract and 200-word biography to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. |
Next generation identification technology Artificial intelligence, Quantum computing, Digitalization, Mobility, Block chain, Big data, Biometrics |
Banknote and security technology Latest banknote technologies, Application of plastic notes, Banknotes and personalization, Banknote production and distribution |
Application cases study and marketing analysis of security and identification technologies |
ID document security technology E-ID, The development of mobile, Biometrics technology application in ID documents, Multi-divisional identification and trusted authentication |
Physical and digital identification and security Material development: Substrates, Ink, Coating Innovation of anti-counterfeiting technology Security payment Market analysis of tax stamps and financial bills |
Brand protection technology and solution Goods anti-counterfeiting and traceability. Application of smart labels, Integration of anti-counterfeiting packing Tax stamp |
2019 SPONSOR |
Security Document Summit (SDS) 1202A HUA SHENG INTERNATIONAL Building, No.12 Yabao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. |
Tel: +8610 8562 1202 |
E-mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Website: http://en.sds-china.com.cn/ |