Biometrics Institute continues to push agenda for building increased trust2
Media Release: Biometrics Institute continues to push agenda for building increased trust in biometrics with a Biometrics Institute Trust Mark proposal
London/ Sydney, 2 February 2015. The independent and international impartial Biometrics Institute has awarded a contract to Lockstep Consulting for a feasibility study for a Biometrics Institute Trust Mark.
“Privacy and building trust in biometric technologies has been top of the agenda for the Biometrics Institute since its foundation in October 2001”, explains Isabelle Moeller, Chief Executive of the Biometrics Institute, “The Trust Mark shall give consumers confidence in the responsible use of an identity product or services. Creating consumer trust in why their biometric information is being collected and how it is handled, stored and potentially deleted is essential for the success of this industry”.
The aim is to create a simple model that Biometrics Institute members can sign up to and balance this against rigour and credibility of the Trust Mark.
“The feasibility study will provide a landscape scan and road map for implementing the Biometrics Institute Trust Mark,” says the Hon. Terry Aulich, Head of the Biometric Institute’s Privacy Expert Group, “The Trust Mark will focus on privacy, it will be international, have strong governance, establish trust, give a practical benefit to members and be financially supportable. “
The main outcome of the report will be to determine how a Biometrics Institute Trust Mark, which should be issued for a biometric product or services, will work.
Proposals for the feasibility study were submitted to an international reference panel of experts and then the final decision was made by the Board of the Biometrics Institute which awarded the contract to Lockstep Consulting.
Lockstep Consulting is a specialist independent advisory firm dedicated to identity security and privacy with international expertise in the field. Lockstep Managing Director Stephen Wilson commented: “We’re delighted to be selected to help with this important industry initiative. A trust mark should help implementers and end users of biometrics have confidence in these technologies. It’s a credit to the Biometrics Institute that it has advanced this trust mark proposal.”
The Biometrics Institute will conduct consultations with its members and key stakeholders through the feasibility process which is envisaged to start in February and be completed in March 2015.
The Biometrics Institute is running a range of events during 2015 which all will include the topic of data protection and trust. They include the 2nd Financial Services Seminar, 10 March 2015 in London, the 3rd Identities at the Borders and Future of Travel Seminar, 21-22 April 2015 at Schiphol, Amsterdam, the Asia-Pacific Conference 2015, 27-28 May 2015 in Sydney and Biometrics 2015: Secure identity solutions, 13-15 October 2015 in London. A full event listing can be found at
The Biometrics Institute is the independent and impartial international forum for biometrics users and other interested parties with currently over 170 member organisations including government departments, financial services institutions, health service providers and also vendors of biometric products and services.
It has been established to promote the responsible use of biometrics technologies.
The Biometrics Institute has offices in Australia and the UK.
For enquiries contact:
Isabelle Moeller | Tel + 44 7887 414 887 | Email: