In a few weeks’ time over 8,500 security, policing, government and military professionals will gather at Counter Terror Expo 2015. They will come to see the latest technology, understand current threats and incorporate expert advice into their own strategies. Have you registered yet? Register as a free visitor and save £50
Network, Learn and Explore As well as the opportunity to meet over 300 leading suppliers, Counter Terror Expo will feature numerous free-to-attend content and opportunities including:
Click here to find out more about the CTX Visitor Attractions
The Latest Solutions Under One Roof
The opportunity to review the latest products and services under one roof is one that can’t be missed. Maximise your time, compare and contrast and make the most educated procurement decisions at the exhibition. Exhibitors include:
See the full exhibitor list here
How Do Experts Deal With Threats?
Sitting alongside the free-to-attend exhibition and educational features will be the highly acclaimed conference. World Counter Terror Congress and Critical National Infrastructure will provide essential updates and overviews. Pricing, programmes and speakers can all be found here.
To upgrade from a visitor to a Conference Delegate click here.
Speakers include:
- Stephen Phipson, Director For Security Industry Engagement, Office for Security and Counter terrorism (OCST), Home Office
- Mark Rowley, Head of Specialist Operations and Assistant Commissioner, Metropolitan Police
- Dr Jamie Shea, Deputy ASG, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO
- Lieutenant Colonel Tim Cooper, Army Advisor - Cyber and Comms
- Richard Alcock, Director of Communication Capability, Directorate, Home Office
- Jonathan Powell, CEO, Inter-Mediate and former Chief of Staff to Tony Blair and chief broker of the Northern Ireland peace deal
- Charlie Edwards, Senior Research Fellow / Director, National Security & Resilience, RUSI
Industry Opinions Shared
World renowned experts have been sharing their thoughts with CTX over the last few months in our blog series. A broad range of topics are being covered including:
- The role of the Security Officer in combatting Terrorism
- State of Information Security
- The time is now for more women in security
- Is France facing a long term terrorist threat?
Read more blogs here
We look forward to welcoming you to Counter Terror Expo in April – don’t forget to register for your free visitor badge today.
The Counter Terror Expo Team
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