FindBiometrics 2014 Year in Review Survey
Please Take Part in The FindBiometrics 12th Annual Year in Review Survey
As an important member of the identity management community we ask that you complete this short survey & forward this message to everyone in your organization, association and network involved in the biometrics industry.
Complete The Survey
The findings from this survey will be compiled into our Annual Year in Review to better understand how the people living and breathing identity management felt about 2014.
FindBiometrics first pioneered the Biometrics Industry Year in Review over a decade ago and has always sought to bring the opinions of the community's top leaders to our growing readership.
This year we would like to extend our year in review survey across as much of the biometrics community as possible, gaining feedback and insight from a diverse crowd to provide the useful industry information that our readers have come to expect from us.
Thank you for taking the time to add your expertise and experience to 2014’s Year in Review.
Sincere regards,
The FindBiometrics Team