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ICB 2013 Competition on Fingerprint Indexing: FIDX@ICB-2013

FIDX@ICB-2013 is a competition on fingerprint indexing based on a FVC-onGoing FIDX Benchmarks. The competition is organized in conjunction with the 6th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: ICB 2012 (http://atvs.ii.uam.es/icb2013).


Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and stored every day in forensics and government applications. Automatic fingerprint identification requires matching the query fingerprint against a large database of templates (features extracted from the fingerprints and used for comparison). This operation can be very time consuming; therefore, it is desirable to reduce the number of database fingerprints to be considered, by using pre-filtering techniques that quickly select the most similar candidates. Designing fingerprint pre-filtering techniques poses challenging problems in terms of both accuracy and efficiency: assessing the current state of the art in fingerprint indexing is important for understanding its limitations and addressing future research.

GOAL: submitted algorithms are required to search a set of query fingerprints over a given fingerprint database, producing, for each query, a candidate list containing the most similar database fingerprints sorted by similarity.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: all algorithms evaluated under the above benchmarks and published before the deadline specified below will be included in FIDX@ICB-2013. Submission and evaluation of the algorithms follow the standard FVC-onGoing rules (see Submission and Publication policy at http://biolab.csr.unibo.it/fvcongoing).

DEADLINE: Algorithms' results must be published on the FVC-onGoing website within March 25th, 2013.

Academic Research Groups, Companies and Independent Developers are kindly invited to register and submit algorithms to FIDX@ICB-2013.

For more details: https://biolab.csr.unibo.it/fvcongoing/UI/Form/ICB2013FIDX.aspx

The Competition Organizers

Raffaele Cappelli

Matteo Ferrara

Davide Maltoni


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