Comparateur d'empreintes digitales
Le comparateur CSIpix est un nouveau comparateur numérique pour les professionnels de l'expertise judiciaire. Vous pouvez l'installer directement sur votre PC - aucun nouveau matériel n'est nécessaire. Il s'agit d'une application Windows qui vous permet d'ouvrir une ou deux images (les formats d'image les plus courants sont compatible) pour l'amélioration et / ou à des fins de comparaison.
Une version d'essai valable un mois est disponible sur le site internet de CSIpix
Innovative synchronized zooming of side by side images and measurement tools permit you to make your decision efficiently. Printouts are easily produced at 1:1 scale, and annotation tools simplify the preparation of exhibits.
CSIpix provides standard digital image processing functions, but what's unique are the automated functions that have been written specifically for efficient processing/enhancment of forensic images, such as:
- Text Enhance (scans) - aimed at making the written text on lift scans more visible
- Automated Scaling - automatically detects a ruler in an image and determines the image scale
- Automated Levels Adjustment - auto contrast enhancement over a selected region or the entire image
- Perspective Dewarp - uses a reference ruler present in the image to perspective dewarp the image so that analysis of the evidence in the image (fingerprint, shoe print, tire track...) will be more accurate
- Color -> Greyscale - converts a color finger print image to grey scale by automatically choosing the component image with the best contrast in the region of interest